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Hello! You've reached the page of Kittykuscell!

If you don't already know who I am through my art, check out the About Me section of the site, accessable by the sidebar!

To give a brief introduction though... I'm an artist living currently in the hell on earth known as Florida, USA! I draw anthropomorphics and do other art forms!

Mi povas paroli iom da Esperanto kaj mi pencas ke gi estas lingvo kiu povi aidi la homoj de la tero al interligi kiel amikojn!

I've been on Neocities for maybe a year now, but technically speaking I'm a Cohost refugee. It was very sad to see that site go, but I'm also happy to be to continuing working on this site!

Even under saddening circumstances, we have to make the best of our lot. I still hold out hope that maybe someday Cohost can reemerge in some form, but at the very least I'm still able to

do the things that I love, and share them with people. Thank you Cohost, for all that you gave me and to my friends.

I'm still sort of figuring out what to do with this site. I want it right now to serve the purpose of a general homepage and link site so I can point people to where my art is kept, but I'd

like to use it as something more akin to a blog in the future, I see a lot of really fun potential for that. So hopefully someday I can start on that! It's been very exciting to be working

on web design again, it's been a very long time but it's slowly coming back to me. Hopefully you all find my site lovely, welcoming, and enjoyable, no matter what form it takes~! Thank you

for visiting and don't forget to sign my guestbook~!

Have a nice stay~!

Pretty please...